Community Support and Supported Living Light Touch Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for people with Health & Adult Social Care needs


Appendix 2


Market Engagement


1.1         In January 2022 the national Contracts Finder website was used to contact support providers to ask for their feedback on commissioning and support arrangements for Supported Living and Community Support provision to the following range of client groups:


·           Adults with learning disabilities

·           Adults with physical disabilities

·           Adults with sensory needs

·           Adults with acquired brain injuries

·           Adults who experience mental ill health

·           Neurodiverse adults, including autism

·           Adults with multiple and compound need

·           Adults with substance misuse and Care Act eligible needs

·           Young people who are due to transition between children and adults                       services in the above areas.


1.2         As part of this process, the Council sought the views and opinions of both existing providers and those who do not currently contract with the Council. 17 providers responded, 10 of whom are currently providing services locally and 7 who provide services in other local authorities.


1.3         Some providers offer both Supported Living and Community Support and were positive about ‘core and cluster’ models where Community Support is clustered near an accommodation-based service, that could be either Supported Living or Residential Care. There was no particular preference for spot or block contracts and providers could see strengths in each approach. Providers were willing to support with small packages but asked that they are clustered geographically and that travel costs are included.


1.4         With regard to fees, Individual Service Funds were viewed positively, and providers expressed their views on how to make these work successfully. Providers were generally positive about set rates but were clear that there needs to be different rates that reflect higher needs and complexity.


1.5         Further market engagement was held through Teams meetings with the sessions listed below:


·         Introduction to the new procurement – May 2022

·         Outcomes and KPIs – June 2022

·         Service Specifications – July 2022

·         Quality Assurance – August 2022

·         Fees – Jan 2023


1.6         Commissioners presented information and provided opportunities for small group work and feedback on the topics with notes and presentations circulated after the meetings. Overall, the market has been positive about the idea of a DPS and the feedback from the Teams sessions has directly influenced the development of the Service Specifications, KPIs, outcomes and quality assurance.